Biblical Response to the Trans-ing of America
Pastor Gary Hamrick
Pastor Gary Hamrick said we are a culture in headed towards a cliff and he felt it was time to address the issue head on as their church had a transgender person attend for a while.
- His church gave the trans man 1 rule which was to never go into the ladies room. He agreed & obeyed it for a while, but then tried to sneak into the ladies & when security stopped him he left.
- We must not compromise truth with all the madness going on but share it with love & grace. He gave multiple examples of “madness of our culture” since we have turned away from God.
- Trans agenda is utter madness and said Target is partnering with a transgender satanist.
- Churches promoting the LGBT Agenda is madness.
- He cited Romans chapter 1:18-32 as the biblical description to what is going on in our culture as we have rejected God and God gives them over to
- Depraved mind (Romans 1:28).
- Being deceived and delusional (2 Thessalonians 9-11).
- Unleashing the demonic (1 Timothy 4:1) and makes people open to the antichrist.
- A society that rejects God becomes depraved, deceived, delusional, and demonic.
- The devil is behind these things and is going after:
- God’s design for sex.
- God’s design for marriage.
- Children inside and outside of the womb.
- Why does Bud Light, Target & others not change policies after losing so much money?
- They are willing to suffer short-term financial losses for long-term cultural gains as they have a sacrificial commitment to advance the trans agenda similar to how a Christian wife can sacrifice her income to teach their children instead of sending their children to public education.
- They prioritize high CEI scores over their customers. Corporate Equality Index pleases Black Rock with its $10+ trillion, Soros, and others that have so much of Target’s and other’s finances.
- We need to:
- Live holy & godly lives, focus on our sins first so we can then help others. (2 Peter 3:10-12).
- Have a spiritually healthy home. (Deuteronomy 6:7)
- Have a strong stance and do not give into the madness of the culture. (2 Timothy 1:12).
- Have a tender heart of compassion on trans and others suffering with sin. (Jude 22-23).
- 6 truths to live by:
- God’s Word is truth and the standard of what is right and wrong. (John 17:17).
- God designed us male and female. (Genesis 1:27)
- God designed us in beauty & purpose, being “fearfully & wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14).
- God designed sex within the confines of marriage between a man & a woman. (Genesis 1:28).
- God designed all races with equal value & worth. (Acts 10:34-35).
- God loves all & died so that all who would call on Him will be saved. (Romans 10:9-13).